
Friday, February 25, 2005

SexGeeks: The "Inside Deep Throat" Review

In this special edition of SexGeeks (35 min, 16.7MB), we talk about the documentary "Inside Deep Throat" about the making, and aftermath, of the movie Deep Throat.

The sound is crappier than usual, as we were using a more portable setup, so we appologize for that. We should be upgrading our equipment soon, so hopefully things will sound much better in the near future.

I think the only thing we mentioned that needs a link is Michael Geoghegan's very excellent Reel Reviews podcast, which Rob mentioned in passing.

Monday, February 21, 2005

SexGeeks: Pheromones, Risky Behavior, and Vaginal Depth

Here's the latest installment (1hr 3mins, 29.5MB).

Here are all the links to things we talked about.

Rob mentioned an interesting study that was conducted in 1996 relating partner selection to immune systems that seems to have at least a mild effect on humans.

Rob talked about a study done on a high school that ultimately produced some cool maps on the sex links between people attending the school. Rob commented on how there were fewer bisexual and gay relationships reported than one might expect.

Rob also talked about an article that indicates a treatment for helping
post-menopausal women to have "normal" sex drives seems on the horizon (a testosterone spray), but that it's initial uses may go towards bringing young women with low sex drives because of low testosterone levels, back up to "normal".

Rob mentioned in passing a Wired article that indicates that a female equivalent of Viagra may be more difficult to create.

We talked about an op-ed piece in the New York Times discussing how
the focus on children in the US interferes with the sex lives of parents.

Lindsay brought up another New York Times article that discusses the rise of risky sex behavior, a new strain of HIV, and how it is
becoming increasingly difficult to target those engaging in risky behavior.

Lindsay mentioned the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, running from April
15th to the 17th in Seattle, Washington.

Rob wondered about men's obsession with penis length, and decided to
do a quick search to see what the average vaginal depth was. It turns
out that it is between 3 inches and 5.5 inches (the latter when
aroused), so the fact that the average man's penis is between 5 and 6
inches, it would seem, should mean that most men should feel
comfortable about being sufficient for most women. Lindsay pointed
out that obsession with length is really focusing on the wrong aspect
of sex. A good partner will overcome any perceived shortcomings of
his apparatus. While on the topic, Rob looked up the average
circumference of a man's penis and found that it's about 5 inches.

Rob found the information about vaginal depth in a strange place, on a transexual site discussion sexual reassignment surgery, where it appears that men considering becoming women suffer from some of the
same issues that unmodified men do, wanting deeper vaginal cavities much the way some men want bigger penises.

We've started a account for bookmarking things we are thinking of talking about on the show as we run across them. If you'd like to see what we're reading, you can check out the list at

We talked about the idea that for single women who choose have sex,
that their married counterparts may feel that coming down with an STD
may serve them right.

Thanks for your emails so far! Keep 'em coming!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

SexGeeks: Sex Drives, Pedophilia in the Catholic Church, and Polyamory

Here's the newest SexGeeks show (1h 5m, 31MB).

Last week we talked about Good Vibrations, a store in San Francisco, for a little while, but forgot to leave a pointer to their web site. You can find it at:

Amy Gahran gave us a nice entry in her "Women in Podcasting" list (in case you are wondering, Lindsay is female ;).

This week, we talked about how the stereotype of the horny male may not be valid for most men after their 20's.

We also touch again briefly on sexuality in different cultures. We'd love to hear more people's experience with sex and sexuality in different places in the world.

Lindsay wondered aloud why pedophilia appears to be so prominent in the Catholic church, so Rob takes a stab at a possible explanation.

At the suggestion of a listener, we take a first stab at talking about polyamory. We were referred to the LovingMore site as a resource. Rob points out that an interesting analogy for polyamory might be the Creative Commons licensing, and suggests we all get cards indicating what the rules of our committed relationships are. Don't know how feasible that is, but interesting to think about anyway.

Finally, we put a call out for reviews of any interesting sex gadgets you might have run across. If you've had any experience (positive or negative) with the gadget in question, all the better. Lindsay's especially interested in a gadget the simulates cunnilingus. In an upcoming show, we'll talk about different gadgets we've run across, and would love to hear about things we might have missed.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for things to talk about, please feel free to send us an email, or leave a comment here.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sex Geeks Repost: Good Vibrations, The L-Word, and Finding Love on

Had some trouble creating the initial RSS feed with enclosures, so I'm reposting the original article with the first link removed so that Feedburner recognizes it correctly.

If you've already received the first SexGeeks installment, you can ignore this one.

Here it is:

Lindsay and Rob are geeks about sex the same way other people are geeks about technology.

In this series we will be talking about all aspects of sex and relationships.

In this installment (51 mins, 24MB) we talk about:
Why Good Vibrations is a wonderful place
Expectations of personal sexuality in different cultures
The L-Word
Finding love on

We'd love to hear your feedback. You can either leave it here, or send an email to

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Good Vibrations, The L-Word, and Finding Love on

This is a repeat of the posting on Rob's blog. Sorry for the duplicate, but now SexGeeks will have it's own feed!

Lindsay and Rob are geeks about sex the same way other people are geeks about technology.

In this series we will be talking about all aspects of sex and relationships.

In this installment (51 mins, 24MB) we talk about:
Why Good Vibrations is a wonderful place
Expectations of personal sexuality in different cultures
The L-Word
Finding love on

We'd love to hear your feedback. You can either leave it here, or send an email to