
Sunday, May 08, 2005

SexGeeks: The Graydancer Interview

Sorry folks, due to an application crash, we lost the last show we recorded.

We'll be getting on a regular schedule soon, so you won't have to guess when the shows are coming out. In the meantime, here's an interview that was going to air on the lost show. It's with Graydancer from the Rope Weekly podcast. Graydancer agreed to sit down and answer some questions for us and at the same time be our guinea pig as we try remote interviews for the first time.

Here is the edited version of the interview (~20 mins, ~9.5MB) with a brief introduction by Rob. If you'd like to hear the full, un-edited version, you can find it here (~1hr, ~25MB).

We'll have a new show soon; thanks for hanging in there.